EUROPEAN HERITAGE DAYS : "Le Journal du brise-lames", poetic video game

Performance, Projection

Exceptional late opening of the exhibition Silver until 8pm on Saturday 16 September.

Come and discover the poetic video game Le Journal du brise-lames, created byJuliette Mézenc and Stéphane Gantelet.

Diving into Le Journal du brise-lames}}} means moving through a virtual environment from a subjective-camera perspective, earning life points by reading/travelling.
Here it’s not a question of killing zombies, but rather roaming landscapes, contemplating, and listening to texts, of which Sète’s breakwater is the matrix and backbone.
This peculiar game also comes in paper format, and in the form of performances and videopoems.

Saturday 16 September at 6pm
Performance by Juliette Mézenc and Stéphane Gantelet

Seated in front of a computer, Stéphane Gantelet navigates the universe of the video game Le Journal du brise-lames on a large screen, while Juliette Mézenc, tablet in hand, reads texts linked to the explored zone of the game.
From text to code and from code to text.

Cultural action room. For everyone.

Project created in partnership with the MIAM (Musée International des Arts Modestes), echoing the exhibition Fait Machine (17 Feb. - 12 Nov. 2023).

Biographical information : Juliette Mézenc et Stéphane Gantelet

Juliette Mézenc writes in the Cévennes and elsewhere. Her playing fields: writing “between genres”, transmedia fiction, performance, and the videopoem.
Her most recent book: Cahiers de Bassoléa, éditions de l’Attente, 2022

Stéphane Gantelet ’s art is closely linked to the technical spaces he crosses. From bronze to 3D modelling, he creates volumes, videopoems, and even video games in collaboration with authors of contemporary literature.

Evénement ayant reçu le soutien de la Région Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée

Date: From 16 to 17 September 2023

Time: Saturday from 2pm to 8pm - Sunday from 2pm to 7pm

Location: Crac Occitanie - 26, quai Aspirant Herber
34200 Sète (Hérault)
Salle d’action culturelle

Free event

Audience: Tout public