[fr]Inauguration conviviale de "Dockville" de Sara Millot et "in situ, in seta" de Joan-Carles Codèrc[en]Friendly inauguration of "Dockville" by Sara Millot and "in situ, in seta" by Joan-Carles Codèrc


Convivial inauguration of the artistic interventions scheduled at the Crac as part of Escale à Sète: Dockville, a film by the artist Sara Millot and in situ, in seta by Joan-Carles Codèrc, in partnership with Ifremer and CIRDOC - Institut Occitan de Cultura.

Port workers, Escale à Sète festival-goers, local art enthusiasts… you’re invited to preview these works over a friendly drink.

Date: Tuesday 26 March

Time: à 18h30

Location: Crac Occitanie - 26, quai Aspirant Herber
34200 Sète (Hérault)
Crac Occitanie, Centre régional d'art contemporain

Free event

Audience: Tout public