Appui, tendu, renversé
From 8 October 2021 to 6 February 2022
Curator: Marie Cozette
Appui, tendu, renversé by Jimmy Robert (born 1975 in Saint Claude, Guadeloupe) is the first exhibition of this size dedicated to the artist in France. The fruit of a coproduction with Nottingham Contemporary in the UK and the Museion in Bolzano, Italy, it looks back at more than twenty years of work.
In seven rooms on the ground floor, Jimmy Robert’s exhibition offers a broad overview of the artist’s career since 2001, assembling a large collection of photographs, videos, sculptures, texts and works on paper, often presented in the form of installations combining these different mediums. In a novel, nonlinear way, the exhibition establishes a dialogue between the works, which are sometimes far apart in time, giving visitors the possibility of an augmented, updated reading of the artist’s practice.
Since the early 2000s, Jimmy Robert has been placing the identity and representation of the black body at the centre of his approach, more broadly exploring questions having to do with the desire, perspective and vulnerability of bodies, sometimes their absence. It is often the body and voice of the artist himself that are presented, in installations mixing writing, poetry, dance, movement and images.
Marie Cozette

Exhibition partners:
The exhibition Appui, tendu, renversé is the product of a partnership between three institutions: Nottingham Contemporary in Nottingham, Museion in Bolzano and the Crac Occitanie in Sète.
The first stage of the project was presented at Nottingham Contemporary from 26 September 2020 to 18 April 2021 (curated by Nicole Yip), and the second stage was shown at Museion in Bolzano from 28 May to 29 August 2021 (curated by Bart van der Heide and Frida Carazzato).

Vue de l’exposition "Appui, tendu, renversé" de Jimmy Robert , 2021. "Untitled (Plié II)" (détail), 2020. Courtesy de l’artiste et de la galerie Tanya Leighton, Berlin. Photographie d’Aurélien Mole.
Exhibiting Artist

Vue de l’exposition «Appui, tendu, renversé » de Jimmy Robert, 2021. "Untitled (Plié V)", 2020. Courtesy de l’artiste et Collection de la Banque Européenne d’Investissement, Luxembourg, Jimmy Robert, "Untitled (wall)", 2015. Courtesy de l’artiste et de la galerie Tanya Leighton, Berlin. Photographie d’Aurélien Mole

Jimmy Robert, Descendances du nu, 2016. Vue de l’exposition Appui, tendu, renversé, 2021. Courtesy de l’artiste et Frac Grand Large - Hauts de France. Photographie d’Aurélien Mole.

Jimmy Robert, Untitled (Plié III), 2020 et Plié, 2021 (au mur). Vue de l’exposition Appui, tendu, renversé, 2021. Courtesy de l’artiste et de la galerie Tanya Leighton, Berlin. Photographie d’Aurélien Mole.
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