Bianca Bondi
Born: 1986
Johannesburg in South Africa
She lives and works in Paris.
Bianca Bondi was born to a South African mother and an Italian father. Her heart having been set on becoming a pilot since the age of six, she undertakes the equivalent of a BAC in Science while simultaneously studying French and Art in Johannesburg. Following a series of fortuitous events, she pursues her studies at the Wits School of Arts in Johannesburg majoring in Fine Arts, with the intentions of eventually directing a cultural institution. At the age of nineteen, she travels to Paris intent on seeing her favorite art works in real life. After meeting the drummer of a French punk band, she
decides to stay in France and continue her studies at the École nationale supérieure d’arts de Paris-Cergy.
Her passion for physical science and the occult sciences enabling her to conduct experiments, using various techniques, on materials chosen for their potential for transformation or their intrinsic properties; thus developping her research and her formal and material investigations in art. Fascinated by ecology and spiritualism, Bianca Bondi creates multidisciplinary works of a transformative nature, in which the objects’ aura is key. Her installations and sculptures highlight the interconnectedness of elements within the world, their transience, and reveal the cycles of life and death.