Celia Hempton

Biographie en pdf

Exposition collective Mademoiselle - Celia HEMPTON - 21.07 .2018 > 06.01.2019


œuvres présentées :

Celia HEMPTON - Fred, France, 9th July 2014, 2014 - Oil on canvas, 25 x 30 cm - Courtesy The Artist and Southard Reid, London

Celia HEMPTON - Jimmy, Greece, 22nd October 2015, 2015 - Oil on canvas, 30 x 25 cm - Courtesy The Artist and Southard Reid, London

Celia HEMPTON - Nayan, India, 25th November 2015, 2015 - Oil on canvas, 25 x 30 cm - Courtesy The Artist and Southard Reid, London

Exposition de l'artiste